The Octopus at Redondo Beach - Part Deux


Redondo Beach, Des Moines, WA. Wednesday is fun dive day. Bob Bailey, Calvin Tang, Dave Stucki, Troy Stucki, and I decided to go mob it at Redondo Beach. Four of the five divers brought cameras. We really need to work on Troy. ;-)

I love the textures octopus are capable of creating on their skin. This little octopus transformed its skin texture from smooth to spiky.

Bob Bailey pointed out this little octopus sitting on a bottle. This is the first octopus I've seen with so much yellow in it's skin and it was about the size of a quarter.

This octopus had a big scar on it's mantle. Scarface octo!

Trying to get a closer look of the scar the octopus decided to go on a lovely afternoon stroll.
