Kate on the Washington State Ferry


Quick family trip out to Bremerton to visit the USS Turner Joy.

Thomas Off Roading at Capitol State Forest


Anna and Thomas having fun at Capitol State Forest.

Ruby Beach


Anna and Kate enjoying the views at Ruby Beach.

Olympic National Forest Jeep Scouting


The forecast was calling for rain all weekend. Instead of losing an opportunity we decided to scout some new locations that we’ve been meaning to do near the Kalaloch Beach area. The trails were in great condition, however, pretty slippery due to the rain. The logging activity is pretty heavy with equipment scattered all over the place.

Capitol State Forest Jeep Adventure


Quick family trip to Capitol State Forest in Washington. The Jeep recently had some repairs and a shakedown run was necessary to verify operations before committing to more adventurous outings. The Jeep is running great and should be ready for the summer.
