Cove 2 with Jeremy Freestone, Don Winslow, and Jeremy Qualls


Seacrest Park - Cove 2, Seattle, WA. Seattle in July is absolutely amazing. Summer time is perfect with the clear blue skies, comfortable temperatures, and crystal clear waters. One would think, let's go diving. WRONG! Thankfully my two buddies Jeremy Freestone (GUE) and Don Winslow (GUE) just so happened to be in the neighborhood. I had the pleasure of meeting and diving with for the first time, Jeremy Qualls (GUE).

We did the usual tour of Cove 2, the I-Beams and Honey Bear.

It's always nice to see other photographers in the water. I enjoy watching other workflow's to see how others do their magic.

The jackstraw pilings are covered with plumose anemones.

The plumose anemones love to eat jellyfish.

Oh, and it wouldn't be a dive without an Egg Yolk Jellyfish.
